Thursday, May 27, 2004

I am so tired. A lot of things need to be done here at work...

I was on leave again on Tuesday for the exams. There were 2 papers on that day. Morning & Afternoon. The confident for the exams was 50 - 50 ok. The last paper will be on the 31st May 2004. After that will be free from exams.

When i came back yesterday, a lot of work was on my table. My colleague piled all up on my table. Instead doing it for me, he just put on my table. Giving reasons that he don't know what to do. He even list out a few things for me to do. He can do all that but he is simply lazy n pampered...

My parents confirmed will be going to Jakarta from 1st to 6th of June. A whole week without parents. This is what i am waiting for... hehehehehhehe The house will be handle by me using my own way n style. ;) Will have fun of course. Kak tini even plan out a few things so that we will not be so bored during that week. Might sleep over at her house at Tampiness. hehehehehe

A lot of things happens lately. All i do is keep myself away from a lot of people. Been ignoring a lot of phonecalls n sms from a few friends. Simply because i need to be alone. Do mood to talk to anyone at all except family members n dearie of course. Been ignoring my best friend, Azli too. Pity him doesn't know anything as he just came back from his holiday. Trying to reach me to catch up with things. But till now we did not have a good talk yet. Realise that i been missing him lately. Will try to find time to talk to him as i need to ask him a lot of things and of course tell him what happens lately. He is like a brother to me now. Gave me a lot of advise. Dearie been busy lately n i can't simply talked much with him. :( By the time he went home is late at night n by then both of us are tired. What ever the situation is, he try to make time the next time around. Well, i hope i can accept his busy schedule.....

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