Friday, October 31, 2003

I decided to put up my latest picture without specs...... When i first saw it, kind of funny looking. First time i saw my face wearing contact lens in a picture. hehehehehe

Got This from my Future Sister-In-Law through Email....

Andai Ini Ramadhan Terakhir
wahai dikau...renunglah engkau akan nasib diri
wahai qalbu...sedarkah engkau akan gerak hati
wahai aqal...terfikirkah engkau akan apa yang bakal terjadi
andai ini merupakan Ramadhan yang terakhir kali
buatmu sekujur jasad yang bakal berlalu pergi
tatkala usia bernoktah di penghujung kehidupan duniawi
pabila tiba saat tepat seperti yang dijanji Ilahi
kematian...adalah sesuatu yang pasti

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu siangnya engkau sibuk berzikir
biarpun anak tekak kering kehausan air
tentu engkau tak akan jemu melagukan syair rindu
mendayu..merayu...kepada-NYA Tuhan yang satu

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu solatmu kau kerjakan di awal waktu
solat yang dikerjai...sungguh khusyuk lagi tawadhu'
tubuh, minda, dan qalbu...bersatu memperhamba diri
mengadap Rabbul Jalil... menangisi kecurangan janji
"innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati lillahirabbil 'alamin"
[sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku, dan matiku...
kuserahkan hanya kepada Allah Tuhan seru sekelian alam]

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tidak akan kau persiakan walau sesaat yang berlalu
setiap masa tak akan dipersia begitu saja
di setiap kesempatan juga masa yang terluang
alunan Al-Quran bakal kau dendang...bakal kau syairkan

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu malammu engkau sibukkan dengan pesta-pestaan
mengadu...merintih...meminta belas kasih
"sesungguhnya aku tidak layak untuk ke syurga-MU
tapi...aku juga tidak sanggup untuk ke neraka-MU"
oleh itu duhai Ilahi...kasihanilah daku hamba-MU ini

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu dirimu tak akan melupai mereka yang tersayang
ayuh ke mari kita meriahkan Ramadhan
kita buru...kita cari...suatu malam idaman
yang lebih berkat dari seribu bulan

Andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu engkau bakal bersedia batin dan zahir
mempersiap diri...rohani dan jasmani
menanti-nanti jemputan Izrail
di kiri dan kanan ...lorong-lorong redha Ar-Rahman

Duhai Ilahi...
andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami
jadikanlah ia Ramadhan paling bererti...paling berseri...
menerangi kegelapan hati-hati kami
menyuluhi diri ke jalan menuju redha serta kasihsayang mu Ya Ilahi
semoga bakal mewarnai kehidupan kami di sana nanti

Namun saudara...
tak akan ada manusia yang bakal mengetahui
samada Ramadhan ini merupakan yang terakhir kali
hanya yang termampu bagi seorang hamba itu
berusaha...bersedia...meminta belas-NYA
andai benar ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kita

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan ..............
Yesterday was fun. Had my buka with Herda, Nurynn, Hazel & Moshee at Ganges beside the Komalas where we had vegetarian food. It was superb. The Briyani was nice & hot. Should try there as the service also quite good. :) :) :)
We celebrate Nurynn's Besday in advance. Sorry Nurynn as my gift will come later. :) As i thought we plan to met up next week, so i only planned to buy your gift during this coming weekends. :) Well, we have fun "buka" together for the first time. And had lots of fun too. :) After that we head to cream & crepes to had our dessert. It was delicious which i simply like it. Especially the Chocolate Crave that i had. (Suka chocolate katakan)
Overall i say, i enjoyed my day with u guys yesterday. Makes me forget my sadness....... Thanks guys......... :) :) :)

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Life is unfair sometimes. Due to this Hurt is all u get. A few things has happens for the last few days. But i only feel the effect only today. It hurts so much..........

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Thanks ppl for the advise. Yeah i learn a lot after being a Customer Service Officer recently. It been a few mths now. It is a really kind of test my patient. At first it was interesting but then after a while its kind of irritating as you keep hearing the same kind of complains over & over again. Well at least it makes me becoming more patient person n try not to complain too much. :) People will always keep complain but you can't stop them. Just advise n help them as n when you can. :)
Did not go to my last class yesterday as my friends & i decide to go Solat Terawih instead. Went to my 2 sisters as usual and we met out Aunt & uncle there. They were so happy to c 3 of us. Their Daughters are having exams and thats why they are not there too. It will be so havoc with them around too. Their Family are so funny with full of jokes n we will always be laughing when we met up. :) Thats y i like going to their house. :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

All these keep coing back again & again. Arghhhhhhhhhh It is barely not my fault. The Suppliers are not helping much lately which make up a lot of complains lately. Work is always overload. Things always need to be rushed. I am feeling tired and fed up at the same time.................
I am listening to the songs again & again from HERE.. It is so touching & meaningful too......... So speechless when the 1st time i here it. :)
Yesterday was great. My 2 sisters follow me to "Solat Terawih" for the 1st time. Feels good that they want to follow me. We went to "Masjid Kassim" and the place quite full with ppl. We are luckly that we are early n manage to find place in time. :) :) :)

Monday, October 27, 2003

Gd morning everyone.................Hope u all are feeling good as i am today. :)
Today after sahur i did not sleep back as i decided to read a book while listen to the radio. Feels good. I think i will be doing it every morning now. Reading religious book while listening to Warna 94.2. This station is playing a recorded Syarahan by Ustaz Dahri and also Nasyid songs. :) :) :)
Today also i started to wear my contact lens. Feels funny at 1st. I been wearing specs all this wear and now wear lens. :) And i like the feeling of it. :) :) :)

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Tiring day today. Sleep quite late yesterday as i upload all the pictures. Then clean the house today as the my Niece is coming here. Now she is sound a sleep. So cuteeeeeeeeee. This week is my turn to iron the clothes and i have not started any yet. Will do later after the baby went home. :) :) :)
Tomorrow will be the 1st day of fasting. Happy fasting everyone..............
Manage to upload all the pictures. Hope u like the pictures >>>>>>> Sentosa Pictures

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Yesterday was awesome. I managed to borrow my Dad's Digital camera. Took a lot of pictures. Manage to upload the following pictures only for now. Will upload a lot more soon........

I am wearing contact lens now!!! First time u know. hehehehehe Feels great with it. I am in love with my contact lens nowwwwwwwwww ;)

Friday, October 24, 2003

Yesterday 2 of my classmates decided not to go to the Class. So hurry make a last minute plan with Herda & Moshee to go TEKKA. At last my wish to go there were succeeded. :) :) :) So happpyyyyyy.
Met up with Moshee & Hazel at Chinatown Point where Kamal & Herda picked us up. Straight whent to the Bazaar to look around. Luckily my salary is not in yet or i will buying a lot yesterday. hehehehhehe Will go there again soon with my 2 sisters. We are aiming to buy the Punjabi suit & of course i will buy that Discman that i saw yesterday. After that can get claim from the company. :) :) :)
Had our Dinner at Al-Ameen. Thats the good of having a Van. Can go places that are far away. :) :) :)
Will enjoying my day today at Sentosa!!!!! Happy holidays everyone.................

Thursday, October 23, 2003

My head still feeling a bit dizzy. Well kind of can't sleep again last nite. Keep turning to right & left but still could not get a good posture to sleep. At last i cry myself out and manage to get sleep at 2 am. Arghhh.
Got a news that my future sister-in-law is in the hospital. And we can't visit her. Just pray n hope everthing is fine with her. It is a shocking news for us as we all know she was pretty well and alright all this while but now she in hospital n in ICU. And we can't visit her. Doctors still observing her and my brother have not told us anything yet. *Haiz*
Today will having my class. As usual will stay till break time. ;)

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Too much work and i dont know where to start and what to do even. *Haiz* This headache keep coming back once in a while. Arghhhhhh Luckily Ct2 is understanding. She helps a lot. I owe her so much........... She even buy my usual Teh Tarik for me. Thanks Gal. I need that although i did not asked for that.
Thought of meeting Herda later to go little India. But then have to cancel off as she have something on later while my headache still here. Have to miss this year event at Little India then. hehehehehe (Went there with my old boyfriend last year so kind of addicted to go there again.) Looks like have to be home early and get an early night of sleep. Thought also of going to my Aunt's place but have to skip that too for now.
All i need now is a good rest, a good sleep i shall say...........
Thanks everyone for the concern. This is what i like about blogging. So many nice people around. Makes me feel great. :)
My head still feel dizzy. The headache is still there. *Haiz* When open up my email, I got 106 Emails. Just imagine for 2 days i did not come and my emails that much. I was thinking of taking a long break in November & December and could not imagine how many emails I will be getting that time. hmmm Today will be a busy day for me. A lot need to catch up and a lot need to be done............

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Despite having headache, force myself to go out of the house after staying nearly 2 days in here. Which kinda of worried for myself as most of the time i do is, eat sleep eat sleep, which can make me fatter more!!! With Andini being my partner as always, we walked around the Bedok Central. I am looking for a brand new footware. At last i brought a $10 sandal. Yesh a sandal. Me wearing scandal for the first time. Well, if u all realise, i been wearing my sport shoes and Black shoes most of the time. This time around i did some changes that i need to start wearing sandal. Not sure when i will wear it but will start soon. :) :) :)
CT1 hope you get to read this. Today i dont feel like going to the class. Tired ah gal. (Merayap tak penat kalau pi kelas penat semacam. hehehehehe) I guess you have to go without me then or better still no need to go then. hehehehhe
Will eat my medicine again and will off to bed soon................. Tomorrow will be starting my work again. *Haiz*
Too much sleeping and now my body aching. hehehehehe Sleep quite early yesterday. Sleep throughout the night. Feel better now but dizziness still there. Maybe due too much sleeping. Will went out with Andini to the Bank later. Last Saturday, we were late to reach there and the Bank has closed at 11.30am. So today will be the day to go there. Will buy some food at the Shing Shong Supermarket. By the way, Have you been to NTUC Supermarket at Bedok Central? They renovate the place and now looks like the Giant at Parkway Parade. New environment and more choice of course. :)

Monday, October 20, 2003

Spent half the day sleeping. It was good. I had a good sleep & makes me feel good. Really really good. Tomorrow another resting day. Even now i am still feeling sleepy. Just had my Dinner. Will eat my medicine and will off to bed again soon........... :)
Did not have a good sleep yesterday. Decided to go to c the doctor today. Ct2 was sick too. So both of us are on MC. She got 1 day while i got 2 days MC. This is the first time happening where both of us took an MC at the same time. Let them feel the pressure while we not around there. hehehehehhee
Will have an early Lunch then eat my medicine before i have my sleep later.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

My head still aching. It was worst yesterday night. I simply can't get a good sleep. I was turning left & right. Even today was quite not so good. But i manage to force myself up after eating Lunch. I manage to clean up my room. Yesh i manage to do all that. So surprisingly as my head still aching at that moment but i keep telling myself that i have to be strong to do it.
I used to collect posters of celebrity. Just name any celebrity and i will show you all their pictures that i have collected. Today with my headache still in my head, i decided to THROW them all. Yesh all of them. Been keeping them for a few years and today i throw them all. Been a bit sad as all my favourites were thrown. But feel relief that i have more space now. hehehehehehe My 2 sistas were shocked to saw me doing that as i was so freak collecting all these and now i am throwing them all.
Well i decided for a new change. To start off a brand new me. To forgets all my past. I used to keep a lot of memories things but now i have thrown them away in order to get ahead and of course to forgets all that. :) :) :)
Hopes my headache will be away by tomorrow. If not will head to doctor......

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Yesterday was fun. It was a Finger Puppet Show. :) :) :) I thought it will be a boring show but it is a gd one. With diferent voice and toys, they get the attention from the audience especially kids. :) Went there as usual with Herda & Moshee. After that went for our Dinner at Sakura.
Will be going to Bank later to settle few things and might drop the books at the Library. No plan where to go. Might just went home straight n do my work. Watch Hindustan maybe. hmmm

Friday, October 17, 2003

Got This through emial from Pinky.....

Tips Sehat Menjelang Ramadhan

Rasulullah bersabda :
"Mu'min yang kuat adalah lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada mu'min yang lemah....."(HR Muslim)

Bagaimana agar senantiasa sehat seperti Rasulullah? Ikuti resep berikut:

Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum shubuh, melaksanakan sholat sunah dan sholat Fardhu, sholat shubuh berjamaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :

- Berlimpah pahala dari Allah

- Kesegaran udara shubuh yg bagus u/ kesehatan mis u/ terapi penyakit TBC

- Memperkuat pikiran dan menyehatkan perasaan

Rasul selalu senantiasa rapi & bersih, tiap hari kamis atau Jumát beliau mencuci rambut2 halus di pipi, selalu memotong kuku, bersisir dan berminyak wangi.
"Mandi pada hari JUmát adalah wajib bagi setiap orang2 dewasa. Demikian pula menggosok gigi dan memakai harum-haruman"(HR Muslim)

Sabda Rasul :
"Kami adalah sebuah kaum yang tidak makan sebelum lapar dan bila kami makan tidak terlalu banyak (tidak sampai kekenyangan)"(Muttafaq Alaih)

Dalam tubuh manusia ada 3 ruang untuk 3 benda : Sepertiga untuk udara, sepertiga untuk air dan sepertiga lainnya untuk makanan. Bahkan ada satu tarbiyyah khusus bagi ummat Islam dg adanya Puasa Ramadhan untuk menyeimbangkan kesehatan


Rasul selalu berjalan kaki ke Masjid, Pasar, medan jihad, mengunjungi rumah sahabat, dan sebagainya. Dengan berjalan kaki, keringat akan mengalir, pori2 terbuka dan peredaran darah akan berjalan lancar. Ini penting untuk mencegah penyakit jantung

Nasihat Rasulullah : "Jangan Marah" diulangi smapai 3 kali. Ini menunujukkan hakikat kesehatan dan kekuatan Muslim bukanlah terletak pada jasadiyah belaka, tetapi lebih jauh yaitu dilandasi oleh kebersihan dan kesehatan jiwa.

Ada terapi yang tepat untuk menahan marah :

- Mengubah posisi ketika marah, bila berdiri maka duduk, dan bila duduk maka berbaring
- Membaca Ta 'awwudz, karena marah itu dari Syaithon

- Segeralah berwudhu

- Sholat 2 Rokaat untuk meraih ketenangan dan menghilangkan kegundahan hati

Sikap optimis akan memberikan dampak psikologis yang mendalam bagi kelapangan jiwa sehingga tetap sabar, istiqomah dan bekerja keras, serta tawakal kepada Allah SWT

Untuk menjaga stabilitas hati & kesehatan jiwa, mentalitas maka menjauhi iri hati merupakan tindakan preventif yang sangat tepat
Headache Headache Headache!!!!! It keep coming back. I am STRESS. So STRESS. That's why i having headache. Will see the Doctor by next week hopefully. Will force myself to go by next week. *Haiz*
Class was quite gd yesterday. The teacher was FUN. He really is. But as usual we went home after Break. hehehehehe Too tired to stay longer. My mind simply can't think well. Exam will be next mth and i have not started any preparation yet. Will try to start it soon.............
Got email this morning from my HR dept. She list out a few things that need to be done before & after shifting. Well as part of admin dept, i have to do a lot of works. Will start to pack up by next week. Today will be having meeting for all staff. Maybe official inform to all from the Big Boss about the shifthing. :)
My dad got 2 free 2.0 Megapixels Olympus Digital Cameras. Arghhhh And my mum would not lent 1 of them to me. Arghhhh He got it from Standard Chartered Bank when he open up a few accounts there. Will keep pestering him to let him borrow 1 of it first before i really buy 1 of my own. hmmm Hopes to get it soon. *Wink*

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Got This from Lynn.....

! You are most like An Emerald !
Caring, giving, - and very emotional. You're the
people turn to with a problem. You worry about
and genuinely want to help - a little too much
As an emerald, you tend to take a more backseat to
the other
gems, but your inner beauty soon captivates those
who take
the time to get to know you.
Congratulations ... You're the selfless gem
everybody needs as a friend.

?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
The song is from N'sync, I Drive Myself Crazy. It is their 1st album.
Thanks everyone for the compliment. hehehehehe Yeah i agree with u all that she is simply cute soooo cuteeeee. I can't wait when she started to speak n crawl. That will be the best timing. :)
My head start to having headache again. This morning when i woke up, i feel like fainting & vomit. I thought of seeing Doctor but decide not to. Maybe later or just hope it will be better later on.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Isn't Aeisyah cute. :) :) :) As i promise, here is a picture of my niece. This was taken @ 2am by her Mum, Kartini. Yes she did not sleep.

If u realised, there is a song on my Blog. hehehehehe All thanks to Herda who teach me. Another new things that i learn. hehehehee It is FUN & I simply like it. I used to have this thought where i have my own website & full of things that i wanna put there.
Class quite ok yesterday. I simply can't believe myself that i can't do the 1st question. I was not really such how to do it at 1st after i try out, it took me at least half hour to do that. ISK. Have to speed up to start study soon or i will failed my paper and have to retake it next year which i don't want to.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Spent Lunch time Window Shopping with CT2. hehehehehe We were simply boring. Hurried eat our Lunch. Off to Chinatown to do our Window Shopping. We browse a shop selling beads. Ct2 is looking for something there. After that we head to OG Chinatown. hehehehehehe Our hands was itch to try a lot shoes there. Simply like a lot of the shoes there. Too many variety makes me can't think which one to chose. Spot a few things that i might be buying soon for my daily use and maybe for Hari Raya. :) Have to shop there soon as we are shifting by end of next month. Yesh by the time, will be Hari Raya festival and i can still shop around ChinaTown area then. hehehehehehe Little did i know that ChinaTown is such a good place for shopping especially for Clothes & Shoes. :) :) :)
Got this from Ct1. :)

Life was originally simple & HAPPY
We only toil and suffer in STUDIES
AT FIRST ONLY A-B-C,-,+,divide and 1-2-3
PRIMARY 6 is Kan-Cheong PSLE
Then go up to SECONDARY
After 'O' levels go JC
Some will choose to go POLY

This small and humid little COUNTRY
Somehow seems to have many ENEMIES
Boys 18 years old must go ARMY
After that then enter UNIVERSITY
Girls here always watch TV
Often skip class and CHIAK LEOW BEE

Can study, continued STUDY
Can't study, work FACTORY
Cannot rely on CHARITY
Work like hell and earn just a little SALARY
You'll be lucky that you still can Buy ROTI
Save money lor use MRT

Colleagues formerly seem FRIENDLY
Daily treated to their tea & coffee
Now they gradually get CRAZY
Worst still behind me said i LAZY
Bosses every where have no SYMPATHY
Work always must HURRY HURRY
Say I always take MC
Often make me do O.T
Midnite go back in TAXI
Midnite surcharge ERP
Cause my bank account NO MONEY
Nowadays you pity POSB
DBS just want EXTRA FEE
Got cheek and say'NOTHING IS FREE'

Boy/Girl friend-friend become STEADY
Serious pak-tor and then MARRY
Waste time and money on ceremony
and dinner party
Still got joker-friend just give PANTY
After marry no more HONEY HONEY
Two years later become DADDY
Wife at KKH give birth to BABY
Name given is DO RE MI
Monthly pay back HDB
Moonlight anything including KARANG GUNI
Earn not enough FEEL GUILTY
Jump river suicide and want to MATI
Maybe life is really not tat EASY
Better go to heaven and be FAIRY
The weather is so cold.......Wish that i am still in bed now sleepingzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Thanks to Herda & Nurynn for touch up my blog. hehehehe Much better now. Right now i thought of change the background colours. hehehehehe Will try them out soon. ;)
Someone in the past called me. I simply just don't understand why must you look for me again now. After u hurt me, u lied to me and a lots more. I just wanna go ahead with my life now. *Haiz* Why is it difficult to get going with your future? Why must the past keep coming back to haunt you? Why can't it simply passed by just like that? Everyone has it own past but stil..........
Will have my class tonight. Hmmm Hopes it did not rain or we gals will be lazy to go. hehehehehhee

Monday, October 13, 2003

I try out my first attempt on the new layout. hehehehe It is plain for now. But quite good for a first timer. Dont you think so? hehehehe I still figure out some of the items. Hmmm Herda i think i need your help now. hehehehe Simply headache for the comments box and the colour font for the phlogger and also the advertisement show behind the pic. Thats all help i need for now. (Nilah paling senang yg bole aku try out. Maklum ah tak banyak keje narie)
Wake up quite a bit late today. My mum realise it was already 6.30am. Everyone was rushing. But manage to reach the office on time. :) That is me. No doubt how late i am, i try to reach somewhere n time. If i am really2 late then that is another factor of me being late. I simply don't like people to wait for me cause i know how irritating to wait for someone.
I had my cry yesterday but still did not really satisfied me. I think i wanna cry more but........... Well lets start the day with a bright new day. With no worries on the mind. No pressure and no problems to think. :)

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Haiz....... I don't know whether i am to cry or just hold on the cry. Anytime i can burst out crying. I am simply so stress nowadays. Too much has happen and....................................
Feeling so bored today. No mood. Fed up. Angry. Sad. Headache. Lonely. Unwanted. Left Out. Abandoned. Feels Hurt.........................

Saturday, October 11, 2003

I had a great day today!!! I spent the day at my aunt place then when out with all my cousins. Nazrul drive the van and we head to Bugis. :) Feels so great got to met him at last. hehehehe Thought of going at my aunt's place again tomorrow but then i am still not feeling well again. *Haiz* This headache still here and would not go way. *Haiz*

Friday, October 10, 2003

Here is a few more

You represent... apathy.
You represent... apathy.
You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

Season = Winter
You're Most Like The Season Winter ...

You're often depicted as the cold, distant season.
But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and
Independant. You have an air of power around
you - and that can sometimes scare people off.
You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you
rarely let people in if you can help it. You
can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily
you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be
negative, and hard to relate to, but you give
off a relaxed image despite being insecure -
and secretly many people long to be like you,
not knowing how deep the Winter season really

Well done... You're the most inspirational of
seasons :)

?? Which Season Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

There is nothing wrong with you. You seem to be a
nice person. You are perfectly normal to say
the least. Good lluck in life. Please rate my

What's Wrong With You
brought to you by Quizilla
I was kind off boring so i try out these quiz....

What smilie are you? Take the test!

STAND UP: You are a natural stand-up comedian. You
watch the news with people, and when you give
your opinions, people start laughing. They are
not laughing at you, they are laughing because
what you say is so TRUE. The world is a very
funny place, full of natural comedy. All you do
is repeat various humorous things that you
notice from everyday life. Your unique
perspective on the world is what makes you so
funny. Of all the various comedy types, you may
be the funniest of them all!


How funny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Feeling much better today. Yes i did not when to my class yesterday. Was feeling too slack n tired. I decide to spend the night going some other place instead to the class. From my work place, Far East Square, I walked all the way to Esplanade. The place is less crowded. The weather was so good for the me to relax myself.
I did not spend the entire night alone. I was with him who makes my day. :) Thanks dearie. I feel much better after that. Well we met up at Esplanade. Sit and talked all the way to nearly 8pm i guess. Thought of eating Dinner but i don't feel like eating as my body feels too tired, slack & Lazy of course. Luckily for him for having an early Dinner at his Granny's house or he will be in hunger all the way. heheehehhee He was on his Bike which i really dont like. I not quite like guys with bike especially the ones who seems to show off with girls. With no other optional choice, i have to be his pillion. For the 1st time in my life, i am with someone on a bike. Yesh my first time in my 21 years. The feeling was so scare that i told him to bring it slow or i will never ever ride with him anymore. Being a good boy, he LISTEN to it. hehehehehee (Tau takut eh) Well it kind of good experience for me. From Esplanade, went back Far East Sqaure, to c my office. Then ride all the way from Chinatown to Bugis and all the way to Tanjung Rhu. He show me the night place there and i must say it is a nice place to relax especially at night. With the coulourful lights from the opposite site. Then from there, took the route to Changi Airport Road. I do go to some of the places in Singapore but not all. Only a few of them. So whenever ppl bring me to some new place, it makes me feels good to be able to reach there. :) :) :) All i can say is i really enjoy the night with u n Thanks for that. :) :) :)
Received a called from my Cousin, Nazrul yesterday n say that he will be coming here tomorrow instead today. :( Kind of looking forward but then..... He will be here with his Family (My Uncle n Aunt) and thats will be like kind of not so good one. Well his Family dont really mind that i be part of them and spend time with them but it is only my family who did not really like that to happens. To avoid being misunderstood by both side, we youngster decided not to make it worst. We will only met up when both parties not around and without their knowledge. *haiz*

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Decide not to go my class today. Not feeling good. Will spend the night walking around Esplanade maybe or walked around anywhere i can............
Got this from my HR Department.

Hi All,

We are shifting to Keppel Bay by end of October 2003. Please start to tidy up and do some packing.

Looks like i am really going to shift from Raffles place. *Haiz* This area is good. I like working this area where we have a lot of good eating places. A lot more choice........
Had my lunch at Banquet with Herda & Moshee. Ct2 did not follow as she is not in the mood of eating today. Actually me too. I am feeling really down today. I simply don't know why. But i have to eat as my stomach is not feeling good. I have not eat any Rice since Sunday, 5 October. And yesterday my stomach was so much in pain that i could not sleep well. Even my head is still not feeling good yet. Now with this kind of feeling makes it worst. No mood to work also. *Haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Feeling sleepy this morning. I did sleep early but then......... Nvm about this.
I asked myself these few days. What i want in my life? Do i do things the right way now? What should i do to improve myself? Why does i make all this happening in my life? Why am i making the same mistakes again & again? Do i believe in myself?
Too many questions and too little answer.........

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Got This From Ct2 & Pinky and decide to put it up :)

As'salamualaikum w.b.t

Untuk makluman semua.... Hari Nisfu Sya'aban akan tiba pada hari Jumaat malam Sabtu ( sebaik saja masuk maghrib), 10 Oktober, 2003 (selepas magrib pada hari 14 Sya'aban 1424H). Oleh itu, marilah kita sama-sama mengambil saat keemasan ini untuk menutup catatan amal ibadah kita kpd Allah dengan baik dan sempurna dan seterusnya berazam untuk memperbaiki diri kita untuk catatan yang baru.

Hari nisfu sya'aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatan yang baru.
Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib, (15 Sya'aban bermula pada 14 hb sya'aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib)

Berikut adalah antara amal ibadah di hari Nisfu Sya'aban:
1. Selepas solat maghrib (15 Sya'aban, Jumaat malam) Solat sunat nisfu sya'aban, 2 rakaat
Rakaat 1 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Qadar 1x
Rakaat 2 : baca Al-Fatihah & surah Al-Ikhlas 3x

2. Membaca Yasin 3x selepas solat Maghribnya (15 Sya'aban, Jumaat malam)
i) Selepas Yasin pertama : mohon dipanjangkan umur untuk beribadat kepada Allah
ii) Selepas Yasin kedua : mohon rezeki yang halal untuk beribadat kepada Allah
iii) Selepas Yasin ketiga : mohon ditetapkan iman dan Islam & mati di dalam iman & pohonlah segala yang baik....

Kemudian baca Istighfar 11x & selawat 11x
Baca doa nisfu Sya'aban (ada didalam Yasin Majmuk)

3. Baca surah ikhlas 1000x
4. Berpuasa pada siangnya (Sabtu)

Abul Khair Al Talaqaani r.a. mengira nama2 malam Nisfu Syaaban sebanyak 22.
Antaranya yg termasyhur adalah:
1. Malam Dimustajabkan Doa
2. Malam Pembahagian Takdir
3. Malam Rahmat
4. Malam Berkat
5. Malam Pengampunan (Taubat)
6. Malam Penebusan
7. Malam Syafaat
8. Malam Penulisan
9. Malam Keagungan dan Kemuliaan
10. Malam Rezeki
11. Malam Hari Raya Para Malaikat
12. Malam Penghidupan

Antara kelebihan bulan Sya'aban:
1. Sesiapa berpuasa sehari dalam bulan Sya'aban maka Allah haramkan tubuhnya dari api neraka dan dia akan menjadi teman kpd nabi Allah Yusof di dalam syurga.
2. Riwayat dari Osman Bin Abi Al-As, Sabda Nabi Muhammad (saw): pada malam nisfu sya'aban setelah berlalu 1/3 malamnya, Allah turun ke langit dunia lalu berfirman: adakah orang-orang yang meminta maka Aku perkenankan
permintannya, adakah orang yang meminta ampun maka aku ampunkannya, adakah orang yang bertaubat maka aku terima taubatnya dan diampunkan semua orang mukmin lelaki & perempuan, melainkan orang yang berzina atau orang yang berdendam marah hatinya kepada saudaranya.

Sebaik-baiknya minta ampun dengan ibubapa sebelum hari nisfu sya'aban kerana amalan kita akan terhalang dari diangkat ke langit sekiranya kita derhaka/berdosa dengan ibubapa kita.

The weather is sooooo goood that i wish i am still sleeping now. *Haiz*
Now i am having slight Flu & Cough. My headache has not fully gone and now here comes another ones......... I am still feeling a bit dizzy now. Well hope things gets better today.
Class was boring yesterday. No mood to study with the headache still hanging around. Came to class a bit late. Having Dinner with Ct1 at "Komalas"(Mak mengandung nak makan kene ikutkan.) hehehehehehe As usual i have my V4 Tosai. Got back my last week test and i passed with a result of 82 only. There's a lot of careless mistakes which i should be more aware of. Well have to keep reminding myself and do it properly on the actual day of exam. My first paper will start on the 19 of November 2003. Yesh it is during the fasting month. I took 4 papers for this term. Last 2 paper will be during the Hari Raya week. One is on the eve of Raya while the other one is on the second day of raya. *haiz* People are enjoying the raya there i go with my exams. Still have not start preparing yet. Will get that done soon.......

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Got this from Herda who got it from Pinky......

Psychological Test

The Quiz
Other people see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical.
They see you as clever, gifted or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or too easily, but someone who is extremely loyal to the friends you do make and who expects the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize that it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but, equally, that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is shaken

Your priorities in life:

Psyc Test

Not bad!
You cannot attract the opposite sex very well, but you still have something good which make them like to get along with you. You should be an honest person and have a unique view in seeing things. You are quite friendly in the eyes of your friends.
My Head Feels a bit better today. Sleep quite well. I think i fall asleep around 9 plus. Then wake for a while at 11 plus. Sudden Wake and saw the time is 6.10am. I realise now that i really had a good sleep yesterday. For the past few days i been waking up in the middle of the nights a few times. When i try to get up, my whole body refuse as my head still aching which doesn't allow me to wake up. So i will usually continue my sleep. But yesterday so good. :) :) :) Thanks for the concern all. Hope to feel better by today, if not c the doctor again i shall. :)
Got to finish up my work ASAP today. Gotta clear all the mess soon or someone might shout at me later on.
Will have my class tonight. Don't feel like going but then i must as the class will end soon. :)

Monday, October 06, 2003

My head still aching. Did sleep early yesterday but there was a few wake up in the middle of the nights. So the headache still there no matter how early i slept. *Haiz*
Manage to talk to my cousin, Nazrul yesterday night. And he say he will be coming here this Friday. Yahoooo He's coming here again. I really miss him. Well i did sms him last night to ask how is he. We end up talking through the phone. Despite my heacache, i manage to talk for a while with him. Now it seems that i can't wait for Friday to come. hehehehehe

Sunday, October 05, 2003

My head still aching. Had a early sleep yesteday but still did not works. I hope i will get better by tomorrow. I can't take MC tomorrow as there is some urgent things that need to be done tomorrow and no other days. Well hope to get better later.
Will be going my friend's house, Salijah, @ Bedok North later for her engagement. One by one of my sch mates getting engagaed. *haiz* Heard a lot of the sec sch friends will be coming later. Kind of looking forward to it. It has been a while we did not meet up so today will be kind of the day for it. :) Andini & Maimunah will be following me there. Salijah invite them too as she knows them quite well. We use to be close to each other. I think we were in sec 3 where we are the only mly gals in that class. Thats when we start to be so close. Feels happy when i get the new of her getting engaged. Kind of looking forward to it today. :) :) :)
I am so into Phlogger now. hehehehe My mind keeps telling me to sms to phlog. And i did for 2 - 3 times. It is really fun. Furthermore i can't log in to the net yesterday so i just sms. :) Kind of addicted to blog world and that is the best way to blog when you can't log into the net. :) Well people look out at the Phlogger when you all see that i did not blog in 1 day. :) :) :)

Saturday, October 04, 2003

At last get to put up the Phlogger with the help of Mutiara of course. Thanks gal. :) :) :)
Just have to think of a way how to change the background colour. *Haiz* (Fikiran seh dari tadi tapi tak solve2 jugak) Anyone can help???
Will be going to my brother's house later to see my niece, Aiesyah. Will take her pictures from my camera. I thought of scanning my pictures but something happens to my scanner. Have to wait my Brother, Jaya to fix it up later. *Haiz*
I am quite piss off with my parents. They let my sister go out without asking so much. Isn't that unfair??? She can simply go where she wants without much questions. *Haiz*
Still having headache now. I manage to force myself to sleep around 9pm but the headache is still here. :( :( :( Yesterday night my sleep was not quite good as there were a few wake up in between. Maybe thats why the headache is still here. *Haiz* Will try to sleep again later and see if it getting better. If not, have to c the doc again. Will be spending the day at home.
Andini wants me to take her out for it seems that i am too tired for that today. Next time k Andini. Yesterday she was in a mood of talking to me but then i was so sleepy and sick, i just tell her i am so sorry that i can't talk much as i am sleepy. End up both of us sleeping at the same time. hehehehe

Friday, October 03, 2003

Well manage to upload the pictures although i am feeling dizzy now. My head still aching in pain. Arghhhh. I have my work piling up on my table but it seems that i can't do them. *Haiz* This is my 4th entries for the day. hehehehee Addicted like herda, doing entries more than 2 times in one day. hehehehehee now i am in the mood of uploading pictures. hehehehehe Thanks Nurynn & Herda for teaching this slow n blur gal. hehehehehe Like i say before more pictures will be in here in soon. Will scan more pictures that i took sometime back. I feeling excited already. heheehehehe
Decided not t go Marina today. My head still aching!!! It is better i went home early today. Hopefully i get an early night sleep tonight......
Arghhhh my head is aching!!!! Just took 2 Panadol (Extra) with my "Teh Tarik" and i hope it go away by 6pm then. Need to go Marina today to exchange my jean later on. Will be going there alone. *Anyone wanna follow* hehehehe I think i will be going there alone. Quickly change the Jean n hurry home. *Haiz*
Got this through Email from Moshee....

Does your name begin with: S
For you, it is pleasure before business. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. But you never loose control of your emotions. Once you make the commitment you stick like glue. You could get jealous and possessive. You tend to be very selfish often regarding yourself as the only human being on the planet..
You like being the centre of attention. You are very caring sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. Turned on by soft lights, romantic thoughts. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role, or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don't fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along. You are very generous & giving, often selfless. You are kind nature & sweet which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend.

Difficult to fathom and to be understood
Quiet unless excited or tensed
Has reputation
Easily consoled
Concern about people's feelings
Very emotional
Unpredictable and temperamental
Moody and easily hurt
Witty and sarky
Neither forgives nor forgets
Caring and loving
Strong sense of sympathy
Judge people through observations
Loves to be alone
Always broods about the past and the old friends
Likes to be quiet
Waits for friends
Not aggressive unless provoked
Loves to be loved
Easily hurt and takes long to recover
Overly concerned
Puts in effort in work

Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of the Cancer. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk. You may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer.
They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (added Bonus) then you know the way to their heart.
Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They are like tides that can take you with it.
They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them. You have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable. Do not contradict their tested line of thought and action it would only lead to confusion.
I think i am going to be sick again. Oh Nooooooo. My throat feeling awfull today. My voice also started to be a bit different i guess. No i can't get sick again. What i need now is Rest and plenty of plain water for my throat.
Guess what??? I did not go for my class yesterday. hehehehehe Yesh the 3 of us simply too tired to go. We were at Marina looking for some mother stuffs when 1 of us decided to look for sandal for herself. Thats when me & Ct1 decided not to go. Furthermore each of us are feeling so tired. Can't work our mind for a class for that night. So all 3 of us decided to just hang around browsing the shops. And i did some small shopping. hehehehehe $10 for a pair of Jeans and $20 for a dress. Isn't that a good price. hehehehe but then u cant try them out. Well the jeans seems a bit tight for me. Well will try to change them today. Thought of dropping by there to change it but will see how later on. hmmm

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I just a good news that my Big Boss has approved me & Ct2 to be able to go home at 5pm during the fasting month. This is simply great. Have more times to myself to breakfast with Family n Friends of course. :) :) :)
All the staff here willing to help around with our works and it is kind of wonderful things to hear that they will be helping around once we are not in here. That is basically why i like working here. Some of them are very helpful. There is some who are not truthly helpful but then i really don't mind that. I do feel overwork and unfairness here but still some times i just get to do my own things without anyone disturb.
Just finish half of my reports today. Will continue them tomorrow. My mind is feeling tired and my table are full of papers. *Haiz* Tomorrow will be another busy day and then will be weekends. I am looking forward to Weekends already as i have line up a few things that need to be done. And can't hardly wait for Sunday to come as 1 of my gf will be getting engaged. :) :) :)
Off to my class soon. Will be meeting Ct1 at Ct Hall and proceed our way to Marina for a while to go to Mothercare shop to buy some stuff. Will have a quick Dinner before going to class.
Yahooooo i have succeeded in uploading the pictures. At last i know how to do it now. hehehehehe So people get ready to see more pictures here soon. hehehehehe (Abis ah ni blog penuh dgn gambar soon)

Tiring Days

Still feeling sleepy & tired. Thought of going home earlier yesterday but i can't resist from not meeting the MakanKakis after work. I can't simply say no or cancel the last minute to met them. Kind of addicted of meeting them weekly. I will simply miss them so much if did not met them up.
With my "Blue Baju Kebaya", i went to met them at Bugis Coffee Bean. Yeah i in my "Baju Kebaya" yesterday. Did not plan to go anyway yesterday so i decided to wear that but end up meeting them. Even Moshee was coming along despite not feeling well. He was coughing all the way. Take extra care of yourself Moshee. Don't want anything tp happens to you brother. Try to have a gd rest. Thats what you need...
Had our dinner at "ZamZam" and had "Mee Goreng" & "Murtabak". After that we walked around the Bugis Junction. Don't know where to go, we all decided to go Ct Hall for our drinks at BK. Sit there talking and laughing all the way. That is why i always like meeting up with these guys. Kind of enjoying myself with them. :) :) :)
Realise that i been eating a lot for the past few days. Maybe due to my stress n tiredness. I realise when i am in this condition, i will eat a lot. *haiz* As long i am still in good condition then it is okies then. hehehehehe But then how to trim down if like this goes on. I thought of been vegetarian for a few weeks. hmmm what do you think guys? Wanna join me been vegetarian? ;)
Will have my class tonight. As usual be back early. This lesson will end soon and new class will start soon. Tuesday class will end on the 28 Oct 2003. Then will be no more Tuesday class till next year. Good to know that early. Will be planning what to do after that. Well, i might be going to "Solat Terawih" at "Masjid Kassim" during the fasting month. Left out only on thursday night which i might be coming once in 2 weeks. Well all this still have not decide yet. Will see when that it comes. :)

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

tHe TrUtH 'bOut GiRlS

Got this from My sister through email. To all the guys who are reading this, Take special note on this as i found this to be so true. hehehehehe

1. wHeN a giRl sAyS sHe'S sAd, bUt sHe aiN't cRyiNg, iT mEaNs sHe'S cRyiNg iN hEr hEaRt.
2. wHeN sHe iGnOrEs yOu aFtEr yOu'Ve dOnE sOmEtHhiNg wRoNg, iT's bEsT tO giF hEr sOmE tiMe tO cOoL dOwN b4 tOuChiNg hEr hEaRt wiF aN aPoLoGy.
3. A giRl cAn't fiNd aNyThiNg tO hAtE 'bOut tHe gUy sHe lOvEs wHiCh iS Y iT's sO hArd fOr hEr tO 'gEt oVeR hiM' aFtEr tHe rElAtiOnShiP iS oVeR..
4. iF a giRl lOvEs a gUy, hE'LL aLwAyZ b oN hEr miNd eVeRy miNuTe oF tHe dAy, eVeN iF sHe iS wiF hEr bEsT giRLfReNs..
5. wHeN tHe gUy sHe lYkS sMiLeS n lOoKs dEeP iNtO hEr eYeS, sHe'LL siMpLy mElT.
6. A giRl lYkS tO hEaR cOmPliMeNtS bUt uSuAllY iS nOt sUrE hOw tO rEaCt tO dEm.
7. wHeN a gUy fLiRtS wiF a giRl vErY oFtEn, tHe giRl wUd sTaRt wOnDeRiNG iF tHe gUy lYkS hEr. sO iF yOu tReAt a giRl oNlY aS a fReN, gO eZ oN tHe sMiLeS n sTaReS kAeZ..
8. iF yOu dUn lYk a giRl hU lYkS yOu, teLL hEr gEntLy..
9. iF a giRl sTaRtS aVoiDiNg yOu aFtEr yOu rEjEctEd hEr, lEaVe hEr aLoNe fOr aWhiLe..iF yOu sTiLL tReAt hEr aS a fReN, tOk tO hEr..
10. giRls eNjOy tOkiNg aBt wAd dEy fEeL..mUsiC, pOeTry, dRaWiNg n wRiTiNg r wAyS oF eXpReSsiNg tHeMsElVeS wHiCh eXpLaiNs Y mOst giRls lYk wRiTiNg jOuRnAlS n lEtTeRs..
11. nV teLL a giRl tAd sHe iS uSeLeSs iN aNy wAy.
12. bEiNg tOo sEriOuS mAy tUrN a giRl oFf..
13. wHeN tHe gUy sHe lYkS caLLs hEr fOr tHe 1sT tiMe, tHe giRl mAy aCt uNiNtErEsTeD dUriNg tHe caLL..bUt aS sOoN aS tHe pHoNe iS bAcK oN tHe hOoK, sHe wiLL whOOp wiF jOy n iMmEdiAtEly sTaRt tElEpHoNiNg hEr fReNs tO sPrEaD tHe nEwS..
14. A sMiLe mEaNs a lOt tO a giRl.
15. iF yOu lYk a giRl, tRy bEiNg hEr fReN 1st..lEt hEr gEt tO nOE mOrE aBt yOu..
16. iF a giRl sAyS sHe cAn't gO oUt wiF yOu cOz sHe hAs tO sTuDy, jUz lEaVe..
17. bUt iF sHe sTiLL caLLs yOu oR eXpEcT a caLL fRm yOu, sTaY..
18. dUn tRy tO gUeSs a giRl'S fEeLiNgS..aSk hEr..
19. hEaRiNg tHe wOrdS "i lOvE yOu" iS a gReAt rEaSsUrAnCe tO a giRl tAd sHe iS bEaUtiFuL..
20. aFtEr a giRl faLLs iN lOvE wiF a gUy, sHe'LL wOndEr Y sHe nV nOtiCed hiM bEfOrE..
21. iF yOu nEed tiPs oN hOw tO fLiRt wiF a giRl, rEad rOmAnCe sToRiEs..
22. wHeN cLaSs piCtUrEs cUm oUt, a giRl wUd 1st cHeCk hU iS sTaNdiNg nExt tO hEr cRuSh bEfOrE aCtUaLLy lOoKiNg aT hErSeLf..
23. a giRl's eX-cRuSh wiLL aLwAyX B iN hEr mEmOrY, bUt tHe gUy sHe lOvEs nOw sTaYs iN hEr hEaRt..
24. giRls lOvE hAviNg fUn!
25. a siMpLe 'Hi' cAn bRiGhTeN a giRl's dAy..
26. a giRl's bEst fReNs uSuALLy nOe bEsT wAd sHe iS fEeLiNg n gOiNg tHrU.
27. giRls hAte iT wHeN a gUy pAyS aTtEnTiOn tO dEm jUz tO gEt cLoSe tO tHeiR 'pReTtiEr' fReN..
28. lOvE mEaNs dEvOtiOn, cAriNg n hApPiNeSs tO a giRl, iN tAd oRdEr..
29. sOmE giRls cArE aBt lOoKs, sOmE cArE aBt bRaiNs, bUt ALL giRlS wAn a gUy hU'LL lOvE n cArE fOr dEm..
30. giRlS wAn nTh mOrE tHaN tO fEeL lOvEd..
31. giRlS wAit mOnThS n yEaRs fOr tHe gUy dEy lOvEd siMpLy cOz dEy wAnTeD tO b lOvEd iN rEtUrN

Feels Lonely???

Kind of moody this morning. Maybe because feeling tired and sleepy. Well, i did try to sleep early yesterday but it seems that i can't. Just dont know why. That is why this morning i am feeling so moody, tired and sleepy. *Haiz*
Class was ok yesterday. The teacher gives us last minute test for a trial. I did manage to finish them but some of them still not sure what n how to do. I think i need to brush up more for that. Well have to get prepare myself faster as th exam will be coming soon. I still have not prepare any of the subjects yet. I have to start to make a timetable for it now or i will simply just forgets all about it.

Someone sms me and ask me.
- "Do i feel lonely at times?"
- "How do i face the loneliness?"

Well, i simply answer him short n simply. And i decided to write all about it today.

- "Do i feel lonely at times?"
I do feel lonely always. Especially when i am home and there's no one to talk or just there for me. I do feel lonely when people tend to go away from you. I also do have that feeling when people break or hurts my feeling. I simply cry to make myself better. I realise that in whatever happens make me better. Maybe ALLAH is testing me in order to make me become better. And yesh i realise i am better in myself. Maybe yes maybe not to some people. I get to know more about myself despite being lonely. I don't feel regret for that. It makes me feels more pleasure. And sometimes i just miss of being lonely. The feeling of loneliness can hurts you n makes u sad. But i tend not to think that ways sometimes. I keep telling that "Whatever happens do have it Reasons."

- "How do i face the loneliness?"
I will keep myself bz n try not to think so much. I do think about it for a while but i keep on going telling myself that i have other things to do instead of thinking. I mix around with people. Get to know more of people surrounding me and learn their behaviour. From here, i do realise that my lives are much more better than other people. It makes me kind of relief and realise that in life you ought to face a lot of things. It is just a matter of time how you face and handle the situation.