Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Mengenai Kaum Hawa

Got this from my sister through email. It is a good one that i decided to share with you all. :)

1. Doa perempuan lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki. Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda, "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia".
2. Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandung janin dalam rahimnya, maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya. Allah mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1,000 kebajikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1,000 kejahatan.
3. Apabila seseorang perempuan mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah mencatatkan baginya pahala orang yang berjihad pada jalan Allah.
4. Apabil a seseorang perempuan melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya.
5. Apabila telah lahir anak lalu disusui, maka bagi ibu itu setiap satu tegukan daripada susunya diberi satu kebajikan.
6. Apabila semalaman ibu tidak tidur dan memelihara anaknya yang sakit, maka Allah memberinya pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 hamba dengan ikhlas untuk membela agama Allah.
7. Barangsiapa yang menggembirakan anak perempuannya, darjatnya seumpama orang yang sentiasa menangis kerana takutkan Allah dan orang yang takutkan Allah, akan diharamkan api neraka ke atas tubuhnya.
8. Barangsiapa membawa hadiah, (barang makanan dari pasar ke rumah) lalu diberikan kepada keluarganya, maka pahalanya seperti bersedekah. Hendaklah mendahulukan anak perempuan daripada anak lelaki. Maka, barangsiapa yang menyukakan anak perempuan seolah-olah dia memerdekakan anak Nabi Ismail.
9. Tiap perempuan yang menolong suaminya dalam urusan agama, maka Allah memasukkan dia ke dalam syurga lebih dahulu daripada suaminya (10,000 tahun).
10. Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta taat akan suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.
11. Wanita yang solehah (baik) itu lebih baik daripada 1,000 lelaki yang soleh.
12. Aisyah berkata, "Aku bertanya kepada Rasulullah, siapakah yang lebih besar haknya terhadap wanita? Jawab Rasulullah, "Suaminya. "Siapa pula berhak terhadap lelaki?" Jawab Rasulullah, "Ibunya".
13. Apabila memanggil akan engkau dua orang ibubapamu, maka jawablah panggilan ibumu dahulu.
14. Wanita yang taat akan suaminya, semua ikan-ikan di laut, burung di udara, malaikat di langit, matahari dan bulan semua beristighfar baginya selama mana dia taat kepada suaminya serta menjaga sembahyang dan puasanya.
15. Wanita yang taat berkhidmat kepada suaminya akan tertutup pintu-pintu neraka dan terbuka pintu-pintu syurga. Masuklah dari mana-mana pintu yang dia ke hendaki dengan tidak dihisab.
16. Syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu.
17. Wanita yang tinggal bersama anak-anaknya akan tinggal bersama aku Nabi s.a.w) di dalam syurga.
18. Barangsiapa mempunyai tiga anak perempuan atau tiga saudara perempuan atau dua anak perempuan atau dua saudara perempuan lalu dia bersikap ihsan dalam pergaulan dengan mereka dan mendidik mereka dengan penuh rasa takwa serta bertanggungjawab, maka baginya syurga.
19. Daripada Aisyah r.a. Barangsiapa yang diuji dengan sesuatu daripada anak-anak perempuannya, lalu dia berbuat baik kepada mereka, maka mereka akan menjadi penghalang baginya daripada api neraka.

Got this from Lynn who got it from Mutiara.........

How bad is your temper according to horoscope?

CANCER: June 21 July 21
Considering how charming, caring, and kind you are, you dislike unpleasant scenes, much less creating one yourself. You have great tolerance & rarely get provoked into losing your temper. If someone's unreasonable or trying to create trouble, you are more likely to walk away quietly. But that does not mean you do not have a temper. When angry, in yr effort to control yr emotions, you tremble, your hands get sweaty, and sometimes you fumble for words. Tears roll down your eyes easily and the opponent is touched by your innocence and will seek an apology immediately.
Still feeling sleepy today. Sleep around 11pm yesterday. Thought of sleeping earlier but it seems that my eyes will not close so early. So in the irc i am yesterday chatting with a few people that i know. Miss them as it been a while i log in there. I still remember when i started to chat in there. Well i started off when i was in my Sec 3. That time was really "Gundu" about it and find it excited. hehehehehe After a while it become boring. But i still went there to chat with a few regular chatters that i know. That is the only way i keep in touch with them. :) I do get to know a lot of people there of course. But it seems that people come and go in your life which i am used to it already. Some do still stay and the relationship of friendship still there. But some just dissapear just like that. Well it is normal to happens. :)
Today is my second brother, Zaidi, Birthday. Will not be at home later as i have my night classes. But i did manage to buy him a small gift last Sunday.

Monday, September 29, 2003

Feeling so tired today. And sleepy too. I realise that i have been out of the house for the last 2 days and get not get enough rest. *haiz*
Spent Saturday outside alone then join the MakanKakis later in the evening for drinks. Went to Hospital to see the cute little baby, Aiesyah. Then at night, went for the weekly class at Muhammadiyah. Update my blog and sleep nearly at 1 am.
Wake up around 9am and hurried clean up the house n cook some. Went to ChinaTown with Maimunah, Andini & Farij. Went to shopping for Maimunah birthday gift. Andini also do a little bit of shopping. Drop at Ct Hall where we had our meal there at BK then window shopping for a while before dad pick us up to go to the Hospital. Stay there till 8.30 pm before going home. Hurry take a bath and sit in front of the lap top for my pending work. (Still have not finish) Watch "Dua Wajah" and do my work at the same time. By then my eyes have become so sleepy that i nearly fall asleep there. Azli manage talked me out about what has happens to me. With a sleepy eyes, i manage to let go all of it. Feel much better now and thanks Azli for the talked although you were also feeling tired yesterday. Manage to sleep at 12am.
Woke up this morning feeling so tired that i nearly decided to take an MC for today. Now i have no mood to do my work!!! *Haiz*

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Going out soon after my parents back from Market. Will be heading to Chinatown then Serangoon maybe. hmmm
Was so sad today. I was crying all the way this morning when i was typing the 1st blog for today. Qucikly told myself to go out of the house before it turns bad. Manage to fix meeting with herda to met up at the msn. Quickly get ready, went straight to the Library to send my overdue book. Manage to grab 3 books along and pay the bills before heading to Bugis to met Nurynn & Herda there. Went to Rochor Centre where Herda & Nurynn had their hair rebonding. So i decided to walk around for at least 4 hrs. Without any plan where n what to do, i decided to walk around the shopping mall nearby the place. I was too sad and kind of relief to walk around alone. Spending my some quite time by myself. I miss doing that to myself. I used to that. It is kind of a gd thing for me. It makes me know more of myself by being alone. After the long walk, i decided to go to the Esplanade and sit by the bay. Spend the quiet time alone looking at the sea n people around there. Manage to do some "poems" to myself. Will put them up soon. But it is in malay.
Met up moshee then herda n Nurynn back later nearly at 5pm. Nurynn was so good in her new hairstyle. hehehehe She looks good and looks more like a chinese gal. hehehehhee
Sorry guys if today i kind of moody but then i did show some participation. It onlys show my smile but my heart is still hurts......... *Haiz*
Went to the hospital after that. My dad wanna fetch me up at Kembangan. While waiting, went to Masjid Kassim Bookshop and manage to buy a book there. Will be reading it soon.
Tomorrow will be a girls outing with my 2 sisters. Will be buying present for Maimunah. Belated gifts for her.
*Haiz* Still feels sad n hurts. I just hope this feeling will be gone soon. InsyALLAH

Saturday, September 27, 2003

Yesterday was fun. More to laughing than eating n talking. Everyone was cracking jokes. I laughed a lot till i cry. Maybe due of missing each other a lot. Eat again at Komalas then head to Esplanade to watch free perfomance. Yestreday was Jazz show live sang by Infushion. It was fun and kinf of good. So guys hurry down there every Friday, Saturday and Sunday for free performances. It starts at 7.30pm for the 1st show and 8.45pm for the second show. (Hafal seh hehehehehe)
Actually i am still in a sad mood. Still crying as i couldn't believe that someone been lying to me all this while. I began to like him so much. Why must you hurt me so much? I began to slowly accept the existing of you now and now u tend to crash it n hurts me. I just couldn't believe it. I am still angry with my family who tends to hurt me early morning and now you add in more to it. Just couldn't believe it. No wonder i was laughing so happily yesterday till i cry. Today i even cry more......................................... Thanks anyway for hurting me. Just leave me alone...........

Friday, September 26, 2003

Alhamdulilah My sister in-law, Kartini, has give birth to her first child this morning at 9.07am. And It is a Girl and her name is AESYAH. Her weight is 4.2kg. Will be visiting them later during Lunch Break. My dad will fetch me after fetching my mum from work. Can't wait to see the little gal and of course my sister in-law. :) :) :)
Yesterday was a funny situation i had with my classmate. Ct2 was on MC so she was not around. After a long talk, the teacher decided to let us do some past year exam paper. The time was around 8pm by then. Knowing our class will do it slowing, she decided to give us some break at the same time. Its either u go for your break time first then do your assignment or the other way round. Well being naughty gal as usual, me n my classmate decided to go home. The teacher was sitting in front of the class while both of us was sitting at the back of the class near the door. We decided to sneak out. When we were preparing ourself, she stands up to pass some marked assignment to 1 of the students and she went out of the class. Don't want to met her along the way out, we decided to wait for her to come in. Once she step in and walked to her table, We quickly rush out to the door. I straight away remember my sch days back then. I used to do this with a few of my friends. And now i am doing it again. hehehehehehe Old memories came back and i realise it now that i miss that so much. Miss my old friends and of course the sweet time of my past. *Haiz*
Will be meeting the MakanKakis tonight ofr Dinner. Miss you all already guys. hehehehehe Hopefully all are coming today. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Feeling better today. But now i am hungry. Will be eating my Sausage McMuffin W/Egg soon. Did not eat any Dinner yesterday. I just had "Goreng Pisang" only as i am too tired to eat.
Today is Maimunah's Birthday. I would not be able to be at home to celebrate with the others as i have my class tonight. I have miss 2 classes in a row so tonight i have to go. Did not buy her anything yet. Maybe will buy for her on Sunday as i usually drag her along to chose her gift. She is fussy and her choice is not the same as mine. In order to suit her taste, i just have to bring her along n let her chose her own gift.
This Big boss of mine still can't decide whether to move or not. Just couldn't believe that i got such a boss here. Why can't he simply make the decision??? There's a lot of things that need to be done if we are really shifthing. My HR Manager told me that we might be shifthing to HarBourFront. That will be very far for me. I have night classes after work and i have to rush there. Yes there is NEL MRT but then it takes time to reach the sch. Whereas here it takes me only 1 stations to reach there. *Haiz* Just hope the office is really not shifthing. If it does, we have to have enough time to pack and clean up this whole place.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

My stomach still feels pain. Even now i can't stand the pain. All my pending work was nicely put on my table. Even my table was nicely clean. If by noon, i still did not feel better, i will take a half day leave. Arghhhhh

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Rahsia Solat
Kita sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam. Tahukah kita setiap perbuatan yang kita lakukan semasa sembahyang sebenarnya ada rahsia di sebaliknya.

1. Niat Sembahyang - Sebenarnya memeliharakan taubat kita dari dunia dan akhirat
2. Berdiri Betul - Fadilatnya ketika mati dapat meluaskan tempat kita didalam kubur
3. Takbiratul Ihram - Fadilatnya sebagai pelita yang menerangi kita didalam kubur
4. Fatihah - Sebagai pakaian yang indah-indah didalam kubur.
5. Rukuk - Sebagai tikar kita didalam kubur
6. Iktidal - Akan memberi minuman air dari telaga al-kautsar ketika didalam kubur
7. Sujud - Memagar kita ketika menyeberangi titian sirotul mustaqim
8. Duduk Antara Dua Sujud - Akan menaung panji-panji nabi kita didalam kubur.
9. Duduk Antara Dua Sujud (akhir) - Menjadi kenderaan ketika kita dipadang masyar
10. Tahiyat Akhir - Sebagai penjawab bagi setiap soalan yang dikemukakan oleh mungkar dan nangkir didalam kubur.
11. Selawat Nabi - Sebagai pendinding api neraka didalam kubur
12. Salam - Memelihara kita didalam kubur
13. Tertib - Akan pertemuan kita dengan Allah Maka peliharalah solat kita
Spent most of the time sleeping. The medicine is so strong that i will be feeling so sleepy after 1/2 hr later.
I sleep early yesterday. Around 8+pm i was sound asleep. Could not imagine that i manage to sleep so early. Will be back to work tomorrow. Dont feel like going but still i have to go. *Haiz*
Will not be going to class later tonight. Dont feel like going. Furthermore i still feel tired. Maybe too much sleeping. hehehehehe

Monday, September 22, 2003

Waking up today not feeling well. I could not sleep yesterday. I was shivering and painful in my stomach. End up sleeping nearly at 4am this morning. Decided to take MC and drag Andini to see the doctor too. She still not so good this morning so i told my mum that i will be seeing the doctor with her. Continue my sleep till 8.30am. Quickly had my bath and my dad was so kind to send us there. Dad was also extra nice to us today that he let us buy breakfast for today. Dad & Andini had "Mee Siam" while me just had "Epok-Epok". After eating my medicine, watch tv with Andini and both of us end up sleeping in front of the tv. Couldn't believe that i could sleep from 12+ noon till 3pm. Thats quite long. At least i have my rest now. Tomorrow is another day of my MC before going back to work on Wenesday.
Heard a big fuss happening at the office from CT2. Now i simply can't stop thinking about it. How i wish i am not sick today and help around there. Well have to wait till Wednesday then.
Time for my medicine now. Most probably had a bath and sleep againnnnnnnnnnnnn

Sunday, September 21, 2003

I've learned....

I've learned.... That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of a wise elder.

I've learned.... That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day.

I've learned.... That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being right.

I've learned.... That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

I've learned.... That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.

I've learned.... That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

I've learned.... That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

I've learned.... That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned.... That we should be glad the Almighty doesn't give us everything we ask for.

I've learned.... That money doesn't buy happiness.

I've learned.... That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned.... That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

I've learned.... That love, not time, heals all wounds.

I've learned.... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

I've learned.... That there's nothing sweeter than sleeping with your babies and feeling their breath on your cheeks.

I've learned.... That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.

I've learned.... That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

I've learned.... That I wish I could have told my Father that I love him one more time before he passed away.

I've learned.... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

I've learned.... That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

I've learned.... That I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it.

I've learned.... That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.

I've learned.... That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

I've learned ... That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation.

I've learned.... That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
Lazy Sunday today. Feeling tired after helping my mum at the kitchen. No ones help me except me. My mum did not even nag at my sister, Maimunah, who did not help her at all. *Haiz* I still remember that she will nag n nag at me if i did not help her at all. I just could not understand why she seems unfair to me. *haiz* Well at least i know to do all the housework without asking my mum again & again. Never mind of what happen today.
Andini still not okies. Her fever is on & off. But now she looks fine n i hope she will be okies all the way. :)
Went out for a while to send the overdue books. It was nearly closed when i reached there. Hurry myself up to drop the books and went in to pay the overdue charges. And i realise that i forgets to send another 1 of the book. How forgetful i am these past few days. Maybe due to my tiredness and stressful at work.
Met my aunty and her family for dinner at KFC. They were having a small celebration there due to her 1st daughter birthday. I forget all about it till this morning. So i did not buy her anything. Will buy her 1 later this week. I always feel happy to be around them. It makes me part of the family. And it also makes me being pampered by them. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Got this from MakanKakis.....

You are BungaLiLi. The one that binds us together.

Which MAKAN KAKI member are U?
brought to you by Quizilla

Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate fudge

What dessert are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hot Plate

What food are you in your previous life?
brought to you by Quizilla
Got nothing to do so i try out the quiz from Nurynn.

maybe boyfriend

There is 50-50 CHANCE of a boyfriend in your future.

You’re interested, most of the time, but also rather unsure of how to
proceed. It’s like your mom or older sister never took you by the hand,
led you into the garden and had the heart-to-heart instructional talk
that other girls seem to have had.

You know the one, with all the juicy stuff about how to handle men.
But don’t feel like you’re missing out; you’re not! You’re learning
the ropes and eventually you’ll reach the point where you’re beating
men off with a stick.

Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Had a great night with Moshee & Herda yesterday. Had our Dinner at Magic Wok.(Thanks Moshee & Herda for paying all the food :-s) Walking around and end up at the Esplanade & catch a free preformance there. A good one i shall say. It been a while i watch live drama performance. In my schools days, it will be an yearly event to watch the show. But now i just miss them as i not the type of going alone to this kind of show. Went to the rooftop of the Esplanade. It was a good sight and i love it so much. It makes me feels so good to be in that kind of place. I reach home nearly at 11pm again. Everyone was asleep except Farij, my youngest brother. Qucikly had a shower and off to bed.
The weather is so good that i wish to sleep longer but i can't. Who would cook for Lunch if i continue my sleep. Drag myself out of the bed slowly at 9.30am. Called mum to check what to cook. Get a quick refresh for myself and quickly i cooked the food. My mum asked me to cooked Chicken Curry again as she will be frying "Prata" in the evening. Then fry some Chicken, Vegetables and some "Sambal Fishball". Kind of a lot u guys may think. Well later in the evening the house will be packed with 11 people in the house. My sister in-law n future sister in-law will come here in the evening before we siblings went to "Muhammadiyah" for our weekly "Syarahan".
Thought of going to the Library with Andini, but just found out this morning that Andini is not feeling well. No wonder she did not sound good while sleeping yesterday. I might ask my brother to help to drop the books later on. I think i will just spent today & tomorrow at home. Will be looking after her n help her with the project that she have to submit on Wednesday. I will also catching up with my sleep that i been missing for the past few days.
Note: Hey Nurynn & Azalia, where u guys. Miss meeting u 2. Hope to see u gals soonnnnn. Miss ya

Friday, September 19, 2003

Something that you might want to read and reflect upon!

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior,
the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.

Easy is to get a place in someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.

Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound.

Easy is to forgive others.
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.

Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them.

Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream.

Easy is to admire a full moon
Difficult to see the other side.

Easy is to stumble with a stone
Difficult is to get up.

Easy is to enjoy life every day
Difficult to give its real value

Easy is to pray every night
Difficult is to find God in small things

Easy is to promise something to someone
Difficult is to fulfill that promise

Easy is to say we love
Difficult is to show it every day

Easy is to criticize others
Difficult is to improve oneself

Easy is to make mistakes
Difficult is to learn from them

Easy is to weep for a lost love
Difficult is to take care of it so as not to lose it

Easy is to think about improving
Difficult is to stop thinking and put it into action

Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt

Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give

Easy to read this
Difficult to follow

Easy is to keep friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meaning

The language of friendship is not words, but in the demonstration.
The world is like a mirror, you see ?
Smile, and your friends smile back.
Reach home exactly at 11pm sharp yeaterday. Suppose to go my class but then i feeling so tired and i dont think that i can stay in the class in that condition. But i went to met Moshee & Herda after work. hehehehehe Just nice a small break from the daily busy day. I think i need this. I need a good break. Really really good break. But i dont know when is that.
I think i will fall sick 1 of these days if i did not watch my health. My body start aching for the last few days. I need a good rest or maybe a good sleep. I will try to get a good sleep during weekends.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

I am so tired lately. Maybe due to not having enough sleep. Yesterday i sleep late again as my sister in-law & my brother came to visit us. It is good to see her. She will be waiting her days to deliver her first baby soon. Can't wait for the little one to come. :)
Then watched VCD "Ada apa Dgn Cinta", i must say it is a good movie. There's a few part which nearly make me cry. Yes, i do cry if i ever watch sad movies or any sad thing. Well usually i try not to show anyone that i am crying. I will hold on to it till i found a good place where no ones around then i will let go my tears as much as i want. Well, that is part of me since small.
Hopes nothing much work today as i am feeling so tired now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Feeling so tired. Just came back from window shopping at Chinatown area. Yes, i went there with CT2 for window shopping. (puasa2 bole jalan jauh2 eh) Well CT2 is looking for some trousers for her mum. She try to search at Geylang sometime ago but could not find them. So we decide to walk around Chinatown to find for it. But i really like walking at CK Department Stores. A LOT of GOOD n CHEAP items. (Sakit mata memandang) I have list all items that i needed to buy there. Some of the items are so nice and so cheap that you cant simply miss them out. hehehehehe I think i will bring my 2 sisters there next saturdays to buy some stuffs there. I have aim a few items that i wants to buy there. Will be buying them soon. hehehehehe Really wait for that. ;)

Herda, there is a lot of variety for the sandals. Well not sure about how the patterns for you. All i can say some of them looks nice & at reasonable price too.
Moshee, thanks to you i get to know all this places. heheheheehe
Feeling so sleepy today. I think i need a good sleep. Really really a good one.
I sleep late yesterday as i was talking to someone. I still did not believe that i will be talking to him as i been hearing negative points about him. But when i talked to him and get to know about him, it seems that he is a nice person. Yes it is true that we simply can't trust or know that person after 1 time talking. Well, when i first saw him and talk to him face to face, he leaves me with a good impression. But when i chat with him online, he will be so nasty and cold towards me. So after that few accidents, i try not to have any online chat with him. But after talking to him yesterday, i realised that he is not the way it seems to be. Well watever it is, i enjoy talking to him. Thanks for the accompany last night and thanks for the talking. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Today seems to be so busy for me. I got a few scoldings from a few people. *Haiz* Luckily me to be so patient type of person. I was telling CT2 earlier that if i get another scoldings, i will cry. Well luckily me that it did not happens. I could not imagine if i really broke down just down.
Will be going to class soon. I am still feeling sleepy. Is it because i am fasting??? *Haiz* Hopes tomorrow is a better day for me. InsyALLAH
Feeling so sleepy today. I wish i could sleep longer. *haiz*
Yesterday night was good. "Ustaz" Jalaludin Hasan was really really good. I was so sleepy after the prayers that i nearly fall a asleep after tat. Thanks to his "ceramah" makes me feels awake. His words was so good that it still stay in my heart till now. Now i realise how true his words are. Well i have told myself again & again to achieve all my goals as soon as possible. InsyALLAH.
My aunty was also fasting yesterday. So we break fast by just drinking plain water. I have no appetite to eat at that time. But once i reach home i was so hungry and sleepy. I forced myself to eat something before i sleep. After eating it took me 1/2 hr later to get asleep. (Macam maner nak kurus gini. lepas makan aje tido. hehehehehe) Usually i will wait at least 1 1/2 or 2 hrs after my meal before i sleep.
A few things that i need to do today. Hopes to get done by today.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Got sms this morning from my aunty, Mak Rah. She was basically asked how am i doing and blah blah till she challenge me. She wants to see who among the 2 of us lose weight. hahahahahaha I accepted her challenge as i am the type who seldom turn down any dare. (This imply only for certain ppl. I only take the dare from certain ppl only.) hehehehehe We will see who will lose weight first. Will met her tonight at "Masjid Kassim" and will discuss with her more on this.
I got This from CT1. Kind of reflecting me back to the old days for some of the listed items below. How i wish i could go over again. Miss my old days as Kids.........

1. You grew up watching He-man, MASK,Transformers, Silver hawk and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget, Ninja turtles, My Little Pony and Smurfs too.

2. You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in Primary school during recess time. You will squat by a drain with all your classmates beside you, and brush your teeth with a coloured mug.The teachers said you must brush each side 10 times too.

3. You know what SBC stands for.

4. You were there when the first Chinese serial, the Awakening was
shown on TV.

5. Internet? What the hell is that? So you thought a decade or more ago.

6. You find your friends with pagers and handphone cool in Secondary school.

7. SBS buses used to be non-airconditioned. The bus seats are made of wood and the cushion is red. The big red bell gives a loud BEEEP! when pressed. There are colourful tickets forTIBS buses.The conductor will check for tickets by using a machine which punches a hole in the ticket.

8. Your favourite actor and actress is Huang Wenyong and Xiangyun. Next is Lee Nanxing and Zoe Tay and the Aiyoyo woman.

9. You've probably read Young Generation magazine.You know who's Vinny the little vampire and Acai the constable.

10. You were there when they first introduced MRT here. You went for the first ride with your parents and you would kneel on the seat to see the scenery.

11. Movie tickets used to cost only $3.50.

12. Gals are fascinated by Strawberry Short Cake and Barbie Dolls.

13. You learn to laugh like The Count in Sesame Street.

14. You longed to buy tibits called Kaka(20 cents per pack),and Ding Dang(50 cents per bo! x), that had a toy in it and it changes every week not forgetting the 15 cents animal crackers and the ring pop, where the lollipop is the diamond on the ring.

15. You watched TV2(also known as Channel 10) cartoons because Channel 5 never had enough cartoons for you.

16. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The Three Investigators, Famous Five and Secret Seven are probably the thickest story books you ever thought you have read. Even Sweet Valley High and Malory Towers.

17. KFC used to be a high class restaurant that serve food in plates and let you use metal forks and knives.

18. The most vulgar thing you said was asshole and idiot

19. Catching was the IN thing and twist as the magic word.

20. Your English workbooks was made of some damn poor quality paper that was smooth and yellow.

21. CDIS were your bestfriend.

22. The only computer lessons in school involved funny pixellised characters in 16 colours walking about trying to teach you maths.

23. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck and a must everywhere you go.

24. Boys loved to play soccer with small tennis balls in the basketball court.

25. Hopskotch, five stones, chateh and zero point were all the rage with the girls and boys too...

26. Science was fun with the balsam and the angsana being the most important plants of our lives.

27. Who can forget Ahmad, Bala, Sumei and John, eternalized in our minds from the textbooks.Even Mr Willy.

28. You did stupid exercises like seal crawl and frog jumps.

29. Every children's day and national day you either get pins or penswith 'HappyChildren's Day 1993' or dumbf! iles with Happy National Day1994'.

30. In Primary six you had to play buddyfor the younger kids like big sister and brother.

31. Chinese teachers were always old, boring and damn fierce looking.

32. Your form teacher taught you maths,science and english.

33. The worksheets were made of brown rough paper of poor quality.

34. You went to school in slippers and a raincoat when it rained, and you find a dry spot in the school to sit down, dry your feet, and wear your dry and warm socks and shoes.

35. School dismissal time was normally around 1 pm.

36. There would be spelling tests and mental sums to do almost everyday.

37. Your friends considered you lucky and rich if your parents gave you $3 or more for pocket money everyday.

38. During class gatherings, parents always tag along in case someone gets lost at Orchard Road.

39. You freak out when the teacher tells you to line upaccording to height and hold hands with the corresponding boy or girl.

40. Handkerchiefs were a must for both genders

41. Collecting notebooks and all kinds of stationery was a popular thing.

42. Autograph books were loaded with "Best Wishes", "Forget Me Not", and small poems like "Bird fly high, hard to catch.Friend like you, hard to forget".

43. Class monitors and prefects loved to say "You talk somemore, I write your name ah!"

44. There were at least 40 people in one class.

45. Large, colourful schoolbags were carried.

50. You brought every single book to school, even though there was one thing called the timetable.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Sleep at 2am this morning. Chatting all the way with Nurynn at MSN and continue at IRC. hehehehehe
Wake up at 9.30am today. Well my eyes still sleepy but i cant continue sleeping as i got my housework to do. Cooked "Chicken Curry", "Sambal Sotong" & Vegetable. Will continue to watch Hindi movie afterwards. Maybe will have a nap in the evening.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Tiring day today. My parents went to JB this morning. Will be back only tomorrow. Enjoy the day without them around. I like that as i would hear any nagging nor do extra work. hehehehehehe

Friday, September 12, 2003

*BURP* Alhamdulilah My stomch really really full after having Lunch at Pizza Hut earlier. We had a small farewell Lunch for the attachment students (From ITE Tamp) as today is their last day here. There are still some left over pizza left. Enough for tea-time later on. hehehehehe Or maybe i can eat later in the evening and no need to eat any Dinner maybe. hehehehehehe But the bad things is that everyone has to chip in some money to for the Lunch. *Haiz* Over my budget already. Way way over my budget. *Haiz* At least i enjoy my Lunch with them today :)
Waktu haram ialah:

1. Waktu syuruk iaitu 28mins selepas subuh ketika matahari baru naik ke langit. ie subuh from 5.35am to 7.05am. 7.05am + 28mins = 7.33am
Therefore from 7.05am to 7.33am ialah waktu syuruk. Waktu ini adalah haram utk melakukan sebarang solat kerana tanduk syaitan berada di antara matahari.
Rasulullah mengharamkan solat waktu ini juga kerana ia menyamai org yang menyembah matahari. Jika kita terbangun dari tidur pada pukul 7.00pg dan ingin mengqadakan sembahyang subuh, kita harus melepasi waktu syuruk itu.

2. Waktu zawal/Istiwa/rembah iaitu matahari berada tegak diatas kepala iaitu apabila kita berdiri tidak kelihatan bayangan kecuali dibawah kaki kita. Waktu inilah api neraka sedang bergeledak dan syaitan berkeliaran.
Waktu ini panjangnya dalam 5-10mins sebelum waktu zohor. Waktu fadilat/afdal untuk solat ialah sepertiga waktu selepas azan ie 20 mins selepas azan. Pahala yang besar diberikan pada orang-orang yang menghormati dan tidak melengahkan waktu solat. Kecuali Isyak, afdalnya ialah sepertiga malam ie sesudah azan hingga 10.30mlm.
There were quite a few important things i wanna write here but decided not to. Well, maybe some other times then.
Had a fun time at class last nite. Laughing with CT2 and another classmate. Basically i was enjoying myself till half way throught the class, i feel so sleepy that i nearly falled a sleep. I think CT2 also was feeling the same way as me. To avoid making myself feeling sleeping, i keep on bugging CT2. Sorry CT2, i hope i did not make u angry. hehehehehe
Sorry to Azli as i was critise you all the way yesterday. Didn't mean to be a bad gal yesterday but the whole thing was to make you realise something in that conversation. Haiz.....

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Enjoy myself today. Chat at MSN nearly the whole day. Luckily not much work to be done. Just need to do a simple follow up and clearing up a few things. hehehehehe
Will have class tonight. hmmm
Got this through email from Herda.

Sangat suka didamping.
Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki.
Agak pendiam kecuali dirangsang.
Ada harga dan maruah diri.
Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan.
Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus.
Sangat menjaga hati orang lain.
Sangat peramah.
Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya.
Berjiwa sentimental.
Jarang berdendam.
Mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan.
Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh.
Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental.
Sangat peka, mengambil berat dan mengasihi serta penyayang.
Layanan yang serupa terhadap semua orang.
Tinggi daya simpati.
Pemerhatian yang tajam.
Suka menilai orang lain melalui pemerhatian.
Mudah dan rajin belajar.
Suka muhasabah diri.
Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama.
Suka mendiamkan diri.
Suka duduk di rumah.
Suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan.
Tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa.
Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut.
Mudah gemuk kalau tak kawal diet.
Minta disayangi.
Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih.
Terlalu mengambil berat.
Rajin dalam membuat kerja.

Sorry for the people who can't understand malay. Well, basically it tells about myself and proudly i say yesh it is true about myself in here. :)
Yesterday was fun. I went over to my Aunt's place right after work. She did not expect me to come yesterday and she did not do any cooking. So end up buying some "Curry Puff" and Bread to eat with Nutella. All were too lazy to go food Court. Well for me i can just eat anything as i am not so "Cerewet". hehehehehe
Had fun spending the night with 3 girls at home. We talked a lot, do a little of catching up on each other lifes. I always feeling good after going to her house. She was my second mum. She looked after me so well that i miss her more than my mum at home. Well maybe because i met my mum everyday while my aunty once in a blue moon. But sometimes i do feel shy with her family. She will buy me a lot of stuffs. Everything she find nice and suit me, she will buy 1 for me. Even now she tell her daughters that she have additional 1st daughter that is me. Lucky me that the 2 sisters never hate or jealous me for that. We even getting closer to each other.
Now i am so hungry. Really really HUNGRY. Can someone give me some food??? I NEED FOOODDDDDDDDD

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Feels good this morning. Hope it end to the end of the day today. :)
Well, my sis-in-law, Kartini came home with my brother, Zaki. Had a gd conversation with her. She will give birth soon. Most probably next week. And soon i will be "Aunty". hehehehehhee Kind of excited for the whole family of us.
Talked to Nazrul last nite. And it was good. We covered up a lot of things that we missed out last Friday. Did not manage to talk much with him last Friday as i have to also spent some of the time with his other 2 siblings. They were kind of close to me too so have to give some of the times to the little ones too.
And this morning i kind of feeling good which i still can't figure out why. But still it is good. :) hmmm

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Arghhhhh the SARS are here again. At the office everyone was making a fuss all about it. Back to taking temperature AGAIN, filling in the forms and blah blah blah. Arghhhhhhhhh Hate it when all this happening.
So everyone take care of yourself. Watch out your health everyone.
Spent half the day sleeping at home yesterday. hehehehehe (Mentang2 tak keje) Well kind of relief to got a lot of sleep but seems not enough for me. hahahahaha Manage to help around the housework with Andini n Farij. I also help Andini to bake a chocolate cakes. It seem been a while that i bake cakes. hehehehehe Lucky me still remember all the basic things.
Today i started to fast again. Manage to get up early but then i did not eat anything accept just drink a glass of plain water. My eyes too sleepy and i simply can't afford to open my mouth to chew something so i just drink a cup of water.
Worked was quite messy today. Have to follow up certain of pending things since yesterday. Lucky all of them were just a small matters that are easy for follow up. No major things. "Alhamdulilah"

Monday, September 08, 2003

Had a fabulous day yesterday. Feels GOOD!!! I woke up at 9am this morning (Itu pun mak aku yg call suruh bangun. Kalau tak haiz kol berapa entah baru bangun. hahahahahaha). Suppose to go to the office by 10am to have a small meeting with a new supplier but then i was late 30 mins and luckliy they were not there yet. Waste my time rushing there taking cab and they are not there yet. Never mind at least i am not too sweaty. hehehhehehe
Yesterday was GREAT!!! Kamal drive a mini Van fetch me up after fetching Nurynn from Pasir Ris. Then we headed to Marine Parade to fetch Moshee. We went straight to Stadium to take our BIG WALK Goodies Bag(Went there just to take the bag. hahahahahha). By the time we reached there, the Big Walk has started and people were rushing in to jon the walk. From there, we went to had our Breakfast, "Prata". Spent 1 hour cycling at East Coast. It been a while i did not cycle and lucky me i still remember how to cycle. hahahahaha Had an ice-cream before fetching Andini up. Had Lunch at Simei Banquet and do a little bit of shopping and head to SENTOSA!!!
We took the Cable Car ride (I think nearly 2 - 3 yrs i did not ride that). Spent the evening at Pahlawan Beach to take a lot of pictures. End the day having Durians for Dinner. Reach home at 9pm. By then i was really really tired. Sleep at 10.30 pm. I think now i will continue my sleep again. Still feeling sleepy. I wished i have apply 2 days leave instead of 1. ISK!!!

Saturday, September 06, 2003

Had a great day yesterday night with my cousins. 3 of them were here. We went to Beach Road and had our Dinner. Then went back to Bedok to my Aunt's place. She were not around when we reached there so we hang around at her void deck waited for her to came back. Still did not satisfied me as i feel the time spent with them is so short. *Haiz*

Friday, September 05, 2003

Got this MakanTiga from MakanKakis.......

1. What is your favourite snack when U were at the mamak shop?
hmmm apa yg aku selalu beli eh? I think there were quite a lot of choice but seems not to remember which one. hmmm (Dari pagi seh fikir)

2. Do u have the ultimate snack where U save for days to buy? What it is & how much?
I always saved up my money to buy a lot of things. Especially ice-cream, the one with biscuits n bread. I think u can chose for the $0.50 or $1.

3. Where would U eat yr snack? Right after u buy them, wait till U reach home or eat in yr own room and not letting anyone know?
Hmmm Usually i will get it right away. If not, i will keep in my bag, eat in my room without anyone know.
Yahoooooooo My cousin, Nazrul is coming to Singapore today. BEST BEST. I am sooooooooo HAPPY. Can't wait till 6pm today. I am looking forward to tonight. Yesh I am really really happy as i MISS him alot. Really2 MISS him. Will met him after work to go Dinner then maybe went for Window shopping later on. hmmm Even now i am still smiling.
It is Friday today. Can't wait for the weekends. A lot of things has been planned for the weekends and i can't seem to wait for it. hmmm

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Got this email from a friend. A GOOD one. Read them. (Sorry for the people who do not understand malay)

Nurse, boleh saya tengok bayi saya?" ibu muda yang baru bersalin itu bersuara antara dengar dan tidak kepada seorang jururawat. Sambil tersenyum jururawat membawakan bayi yang masih merah itu. Si ibu menyambut dengan senyum meleret. Dibuka selimut yang menutup wajah comel itu, diciumnya berkali-kali sebaik bayi tersebut berada di pangkuan.

Jururawat kemudian mengalihkan pandangannya ke luar tingkap. Tidak sanggup dia bertentang mata dengan si ibu yang terperanjat melihat bayinya dilahirkan tanpa kedua-dua cuping telinga.

Namun gamamnya cuma seketika. Dakapan dan ciuman silih berganti sehingga bayi yang sedang lena itu merengek. Doktor bagaimanapun mengesahkan pendengaran bayi itu normal, sesuatu yang cukup mengembirakan si ibu.

Masa terus berlalu...

Pulang dari sekolah suatu tengahari, anak yang tiada cuping telinga itu yang kini telah memasuki alam persekolahan menangis memberitahu bagaimana dia diejek rakan-rakan. "Mereka kata saya cacat," katanya kepada si ibu. Si ibu menahan sebak. Dipujuknya si anak dengan pelbagai kata semangat. Si anak menerimanya dan dia muncul pelajar cemerlang dengan menyandang pelbagai jawatan di sekolah. Bagaimanapun tanpa cuping telinga, si anak tetap merasa rendah diri walaupun si ibu terus memujuk.

Ayah kanak-kanak itu bertemu doktor. "Saya yakin dapat melakukannya jika ada penderma," kata pakar bedah. Bermulalah suatu pencarian bagi mencari penderma yang sanggup berkorban.

Setahun berlalu...

"Anakku, kita akan menemui doktor hujung minggu ini. Ibu dan ayah telah mendapatkan seorang penderma, tapi dia mahu dirinya dirahsiakan," kata siayah. Pembedahan berjalan lancar dan akhirnya si anak muncul sebagai manusia baru, kacak serta bijak. Pelajarannya tambah cemerlang dan rasa rendah diri yang kerap dialaminya hilang. Rakan-rakan memuji kecantikan parasnya. Si anak cukup seronok, bagaimanapun dia tidak mengabaikan pelajaran. Pada usianya lewat 20-an, si anak menjawat jawatan tinggi dalam bidang diplomatik.

"Sebelum saya berangkat keluar negara, saya ingin tahu siapakah penderma telinga ini, saya ingin membalas jasanya," kata si anak berkali-kali.
"Tak mungkin," balas si ayah. "Perjanjian antara ayah dengan penderma itu masih berjalan. Tunggulah, masanya akan tiba." "Bila?" tanya si anak.
"Akan tiba masanya anakku," balas si ayah sambil ibunya mengangguk-angguk.
Keadaan itu terus kekal menjadi rahsia bertahun-tahun lamanya.

Hari yang ditunggu tiba akhirnya. Ketika si anak berdiri di sisi keranda ibunya, perlahan-lahan si ayah menyelak rambut ibunya yang kaku.
Gelap seketika pandangan si anak apabila melihat kedua-dua cuping telinga ibunya tiada.

"Ibumu tidak pernah memotong pendek rambutnya," si ayah berbisik ke telinga anaknya. "Tetapi tiada siapa pernah mengatakan ibumu cacat, dia tetap cantik, pada ayah dia satu-satunya wanita paling cantik yang pernah ayah temui. Tak percaya... tanyalah pada sesiapa pun kenalannya."


1. Kecantikan seseorang bukan terletak pada fizikal tetapi di hati.

2. Cinta sejati bukan pada apa yang dilakukan dan dihebah-hebahkan tetapi pengorbanan tanpa diketahui.

3. Selagi ibu kita ada didunia ini, ciumlah dia, cium tangannya, sentiasa minta ampun darinya, berikan senyuman kepadanya, bukannya dengan bermasam muka, kasih ibu tiada tandingannya, ingatlah SYURGA DI BAWAH TELAPAK KAKI IBU, penyesalan di kemudian hari tidak berguna, selagi hayatnya ada, curahkanlah sepenuh kasih sayang kepadanya, 'love u mom'
The whole morning today, i was busy doing the Monthly reports. Last month i did not manage to finish them and today i finish them all. Well it takes me nearly 1 1/2 days to finish up. There were 2 different kind of reports to do. 1 of it is for the customers while another one(the one that i pending) is for the internal only. Now i am feeling so sleepyyyyy, so tiredddddd & today i have my class. Arghhhhhhhhhh
Still feeling so sleepy. Wish i could sleep longer. Managed to reach home before 11pm. Feeling so hungry that i eat 3 piece of "Prata" this morning at home. My mum wake up early just to make the "Prata". But i still am hungry. zzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Got this from my friend through email. Try them out Here

Here is the result for mine.


You are very emotional, and cannot control yourself. Especially when you are striked with something sad, you are more sensitive than ever, and would response more than others. Once you encounter some hardship, you would think of yourself as the main character of a tragic story, and allow yourself to fall into the saddest mood.

Also, when you are mad, you would also become so sad. Even a small fight can make you cry non-stop. You make others feel that it's impossible to predict what you think.

hmmm i think it is true about myself in here. Well NO COMMENT FOR THAT.
This headache would not go away. arghhhhhhhh feels so uncomfortable with this headache all around me. Sometimes it is just too painful and sometimes it is just a minor pain. I feels like sleeping now. But when at night, i always have this difficult in sleeping. Try a lot of ways but still...........
I realise i am changing myself bit n bit. Feels good. All i need now is a bit of motivation. This morning my sister saw the starting of my changes and start hinting asking me why the suddenly change. Why can't she just praised me instead of asking so much? I mean all this while u been critised me all along n now u keep asking me why. I just don't really understand why people seems to critised u again & again. Just praised him / her once in a while to give them a good feeling. Isn't that better? Well, now i am trying hard not to get any unneccesary feedback from other people. It all depands. If the feedback to make me more motivation, then i will accept that. If not, i will just heck care.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I have updated a few links this morning. I hope i do not miss anyone. hehehehehe Well, i do come by to your links okies people. So don't worry if you find me did not tag you. Just sometimes i am too busy that i did not manage to tag you guys often nowadays.
Had Lunch at Banquet with Ct, Azalia, Azalia's colleagues, Moshee and Moshee's colleagues too. I had NAsi Briyani as i am too hungry today. After Lunch, I went to buy a pair of shoe for myself @ a cost of $9.90. I need that pair of shoe as my usual one would wore out anytime. Before that happens, i have to be well prepared. hehehehehe
My head still ache. I need a good sleep. Feeling so sleepyyyyyyyyyy. Tonight i have my IT class. Feels so lazy to go. I think i will be back early today as usual. hehehehehe
Had a wonderful day today. Especially with Herda & Nurynn @ MSN. Especially talking about the GaGakz Links and typo error we all made.
My head still hurts till now. I am still feeling so sleepy. Wish i could sleep with the weather so good now. *Haiz*
Enjoyed my dinner yesterday with Herda, Moshee, Nurynn, Fizah(Nurynn's Frend) & Norman e GaGakz @ LPS. Been not meeting them nearly a week. I am happy to met them up again. Hope to have Lunch with u guys again today @ Banquet here. After dinner, we separate with Norman and we head to Raffles Place MRT and sit near the Caltex House there. Talk all the way and laughed a lot too. Hey i really missed that with you guys. Hope to that often guys. hehehehehehe
I realise that i really can't eat any seafood now. Yesterday after eating the "Nasi Goreng Seafood", my whole body was in itchy situation. Arghhhhhhhhhh I have realised this some time back cause all this while, my body will only have red markings but now it seems that it is getting worst. *Haiz*

Monday, September 01, 2003

Feeling so sleepy and tired today. My head hurts too. Had headache since yesterday and till now it still hurts. I wish i am sleeping now in my bed.
Yesterday was fun. My mum did not do any cooking for the 1st time. She just heated up some dishes that my brother gets from "Kenduri" on Saturday Night. Then off she went to "Jemputan" with my dad. My Brother, Jaya has to be in sch for 2 hours. So we went to met him at Ct Hall at 3pm. Thought of eating somewhere around Ct Hall but decided to go straight to Plaza Singapura to buy the tickets first then decide what to eat there. As usual, the place was crowded and the queue at the Cinema to buy the tickets was quite long. We managed to get the tickets we were lucky that we got some sits. It was the fourth from the front. Luckily we dont have to lifted our head high to watch the screen.
The movie was really really GOOD. It is all actions all the way. So people go and catch that movie. Watch it. U won't regret seeing it. After the show, we went for early dinner at KFC. Good thing that Jaya pays all the expenses for today. Lucky me. hehehehehe Well, i am on my budget now. If there isn't any free tickets, i wouldn't be going to watch it.
Reach home at 8 plus. My parents was watching television when we reach home. So good that both Andini & Farij not schooling today. They will have more rest at home and of course have to study.
Now i am still having headache. Feels like banging my head to the walls. arghhhhhhhhhh