Friday, September 05, 2003

Got this MakanTiga from MakanKakis.......

1. What is your favourite snack when U were at the mamak shop?
hmmm apa yg aku selalu beli eh? I think there were quite a lot of choice but seems not to remember which one. hmmm (Dari pagi seh fikir)

2. Do u have the ultimate snack where U save for days to buy? What it is & how much?
I always saved up my money to buy a lot of things. Especially ice-cream, the one with biscuits n bread. I think u can chose for the $0.50 or $1.

3. Where would U eat yr snack? Right after u buy them, wait till U reach home or eat in yr own room and not letting anyone know?
Hmmm Usually i will get it right away. If not, i will keep in my bag, eat in my room without anyone know.

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