Friday, June 27, 2003

Feeling so tired now. Wished i am in bed sleeping. Really really tired. I cant take it anymore. I need a break. Really really need a good break. I will have to start planning now when is the best time to take my break. hehehehehehe Now July is going to be here soon. I will start planning soon. hehehehehehe
Hopefully there will not much work to be done today. There will be 2 auctions today and i am included as a helpdesk.
Met up with Moshee & Nurynn yesterday. Sit with them at Starbucks at Ct Hall with my classmates. Had a good small last minute gathering. hehehehhe
I "Cabut" from my boring class during the break. Cant really stand it. So me n my friend decided to went off. The teacher was talking all the way. Really can't stand that. She good at explaining the topic but then it was boring for us. Both of us have learn the topics but then it was included some practical. But this time around it is all theory. Thats why we are bored with it.

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